Thursday 18 July 2013


Just a quick update from my phone to apologise for the lack of posts recently. My MacBook charger had died on me (to buy a new charger is ridiculously expensive!) so I'm just deciding weather to buy a new charger or weather to actually buy a new MacBook as I think my current MacBook is on it's way out. Hopefully I'll be back and posting again very soon!
I hope everyone is well and enjoying this lovely weather.

Daisy x 
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Saturday 15 June 2013

MAC Brush Cleanser

My MAC Brush Cleanser is definitely one of my holy grail products that i can not live without as i never like to have dirty brushes, just because i find it more hygienic and sanitary. I also like to use a few of my brushes for multiple different things, so quickly spot cleaning them whilst im doing my makeup is so useful! I just fold a tissue in half and then in half again and i pour a little bit of the brush cleanser on the tissue and swirl my brushes round until the majority of the product is off. Then ill swirl the brush around on a clean tissue to absorb some of the cleanser so that the brush dries a bit quicker. The brushes dry really quickly and the cleanser doesn't dry my brushes out or anything. Even though i constantly use this and spot clean my brushes every time i do my makeup, i still give my brushes a deep clean every two weeks or so. 
I'm never going to stop buying this product and strongly recommend it to everyone who likes to use fresh brushes and uses some brushes in a few products! 

Daisy x
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Thursday 6 June 2013

Matte Neon Coral Nails

I think i may have found my favourite nail combo for this Summer- Models Own 'Pink Punch' and Rimmel Matte Finish. Neon is really in at the moment and i'm loving neon polishes, i think it's a good way to add a pop of colour to an outfit without it being to overwhelming.

Do you know of any other neon polishes?

Daisy x

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OOTD: featuring Chloe

Khaki Top- Topshop
Leigh Jeans- Similar Here
Bag- Zara
Leather Jacket- Similar Here
Converse- Office
Watch- Michael Kors
Lipstick- MAC Rebel
Nail Polish- Essie Fiji
Spiked Bracelet- Ebay

Jeans- Topshop Mom Jeans
Top- Topshop
Cardigan- H&M
Converse- Office
Bracelet- River Island
Belt- H&M
Bag- Primark
Nail Polish- Topshop Parma Voilet

Daisy x

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Sunday 26 May 2013

Personal Questions: TAG

I've been a bit quiet on the blog front lately (sorry about that... i've just done my exams and am now on half term and then study leave which means more time for blogging!), so to get things going again i thought i would answer some questions...

1. Do you have a middle name? yep, i do! it's Fleur

2. What was your favourite subject in school? I think my favourite subject was probably maths, i also really enjoyed doing Hair and Beauty for my GCSE's

3. What is your favourite drink? My favourite drink and one of the few things i do drink is water! I could so easily just drink water for the rest of my life, water ice is the bomb

4. Favourite song at the moment? I don't have one in particular one but a few songs i've been loving at the moment are- Drake, Girls love Beyonce; Mariah Carey and Miguel, Beautiful; Wale and Miguel, Lotus Flower Bomb; and Disclosure, You & Me

5. What would you name your children? Hmmmmm, well for a girl, i love the names Mia-Scarlett, Giselle, Sienna, Saskia and India and for a boy i love the names Kory, Tyrese and Maxx (can you tell that i have clearly thought about this? hahaha) but thats a longgggg way of anyway!

6. Do you participate in any sports? I used to swim for my borough 14 hours a week and have to be in the pool by 5 o'clock in the mornings before school to start training. I qualified nationally as part of a relay team in 3 events actually! Apart from that, nope

7. Favourite Book? To be honest, i really hate reading. The only chance you will see me picking up a book is on holiday, and even then i can only get through about 60 pages in a week. I dont have a very long attention span so i loose concentration and forget what i've just read about!

8. Favourite Colour? I think my favourite colour would have to be a Raspberry Pink sort of colour, i also love White and Emerald Green

9. Favourite Animal? I'm not really an animal person although i love certain types of dogs. When i get my own place i really want a Teacup Pomeranian or a Teacup Yorkie, or a little White Persian Kitty would be so cute, like Kim Kardashian's!

10. Favourite Perfume? I love Viva La Juicy and Stella

11. Favourite Holiday? Turkey, i've visited the same hotel in Turkey for the past 5 years (This year will be my sixth!) it's my favourite place in the world and i hope i'll be able to take my kids there in the distant future!

12. Have you graduated High School? I haven't exactly 'graduated' as such, but i finished school on Friday as i'm now on study leave

13. Have you been out of the country? Yes, i've been lucky enough to visit Australia twice, Greece six times, Turkey five times, Fiji, Spain three times, France, Barbados, St Lucia, Egypt and technically I have been to LA and Singapore, but i only went there as i had lay overs there

14. Do you speak any other languages? No i don't

15. Do you have any siblings? Yes, i have a younger brother and sister

16. Whats your favourite store? Probably Topshop or Zara although if i had all the money in the world, American Apparel

17.  Favourite restaurant? I love Frankie and Bennies and nandos!

18. Did you like school? Yes, i'd say i quite enjoyed school, probably because of my friends!

19. Favourite YouTubers? oooooh, it would probably have to be Tanya Burr, Nicole Guerriero, and Grace from UglyFaceOfBeauty although i watch so many so theres more, but there my fave three

20. Favourite movie? I love good ol' Mean Girls and i also love Bridesmaids and LOL, oh and Cheaper by the Dozen

21. Favourite Tv show? Ok, i am slightly obsessed with Pretty Little liars and The Lying game, they are the best Tv shows everrrrr, i also love Keeping up with the Kardash's and Kourtney and Kim Take Miami and anything Kardashian related

22. PC or MAC? Mac all the way baby, i absolutely hate PC's

23. What Phone do you have? I have an iPhone 5 and i love it

24. How tall are you? I think im about 5'4/5'5 ish

25. What do you order at Starbucks? I order something different every time haha, although i love cotton candy fraps (Vanilla Bean Frap with a pump of Raspberry syrup) and i love and Iced Green Tea's

26. One thing in your closet you can not live without? Probably my Simple White and Black Tee's, i think that every girl needs a plain white and black tee and it's an absolute staple in my wardrobe

27. Whats one thing that people probably don't know about you? Unless your my really close friend you probably dont know that i absolutely HATE fizzy drinks, they give me crazy heartburn and they make me feel like theres two thousand pins being stuck down my throat

28. Name one thing you want to do before you die? I have a longg longgg bucket list but one of the things i definitely want to is go to a Victoria Secret Fashion Show

29. Whats one food you cannot live without? Chicken, i love Chicken. If i could, i would have it for breakfast, lunch and dinner

30. What quote/phrase do you live by? Theres many! "Everything happens for a reason" is probably my main one and that i always keep in the back of my mine, "Good things come to those who work for it", "Everything will be okay in the end, if it's not okay, it's not the end", "Sometimes you have to stop worrying. Have faith that things will work out, maybe not how you planned, but how they're supposed to", "Don't worry about getting it right, just go after what is real"

31. Whats your most listened to song on iTunes? Justin Bieber, Favourite Girl has been played 261 times, woaaaaahhhhh!

32. What type of style would you define yourself as having? Hmmmm, well, i'd say quite chic and 'put together' but kinda laid back most of the time, i always plan outfits and i will never just decide what im wearing on the day

33. Favourite number? 4

34. Two Hobbies? Shopping definitely! and watching YouTube video's maybe?

35. Pet Peeves? When people eat with their mouth open, gosh i just want to slap them, it makes me angry and my biggest one is people coppying me, no one physically understands my pain when someone coppies me. I'm not just talking about when someone buys the same item of clothing as me, because yeah that cool, it doesn't really bother me. But when a person literally tortures you and does everything the same as you. PLS REMOVE YOURSELF OUT OF MY LIFE. Rant over

36. Guilty Pleasures? I don't really know, i can't think of one.... maybe being obsessed with kids programmes like iCarly, Shake It Up, Victorious etc?

If you've done a questions post then link it below so i can check it out

Daisy x

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Sunday 12 May 2013

MAC Rebel Lipstick

Rebel is a Lipstick i have been swooning over for a really long time and the other day i was lucky enough to have been given this to me as a late birthday present from one of my bezzies (thanks chatch, you da best) and as you can imagine as soon as i got home i was swatching away and snapping pictures to blog about it. I feel like Rebel is a colour that you can wear all year round, it's the perfect Winter/Autumn colour because it's a dark colour, almost like a bright Current sort of colour, but it's also great for Summer. Because of it's blue undertones, i think it's bright enough to wear during the warmer months. I wore this the other day, lightly over my lips for a more laid back look, and it just gave a gorgeous Currenty, Purpley tint to my lips.

What Mac lipstick do you guys think I should add to my collection next? I'm thinking Candy Yum Yum?

Daisy x
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Tuesday 23 April 2013

St Moriz Instant Self Tanning Mousse Dark

This was the first fake tan i've ever used apart from using the Dove Gradual Tan and i'd read lots about it before i purchased it as i knew i wanted an olivey toned one rather than one that's going to make me look orange. People had said that it's more for an experienced fake tanner because you have to work with it really quick (which you really do!) but i once you get the hang of it, it's fine! I apply it with the St Moriz mitt which works fine, although i have to wear a glove underneath because the tan seeps through the mitt, resulting in brown patchy hands! It's pretty to easy to apply because you can see exactly where you've applied thanks to the colour guide. Once you've washed the colour guide off it leaves a lovely olive, sunkissed look to your skin, which looks like you've had a couple of days in Egypt or somewhere. It's the perfect colour for the first few days and then it starts to go really patchy and scaley looking. Even when i tried to scrub it off with an exfoliating glove and exfoliator, it would not budge! I'm going to share with you what i did prior to tanning and after (i dont know if this is exactly what your supposed to do, but its just what I do) :

Two nights before your going to be fake tanning- Exfoliate and moisturise

That night, prep- I washed my hair (I made sure I washed my hair the night before rather than the day I washed the colour guide off, as that would leave you with patchy hands), I shaved and I exfoliated using the Clarins Smoothing Body Scrub and used an exfoliating mitt with it aswell. When i got out of the bath i moisturised with Aloe Vera Gel (i used this as it sinks in straight away and it's really light, if you use a normal moisturiser or body butter, the fake tan won't want to stick to your body because it's to oily. The reason i made sure some moisture was going into my skin is because this fake tan is VERY drying, but i'll talk about that later), i waited about half an hour before i fake tanned and in that half an hour i also let my hair dry, otherwise i'd end up touching my hair when its wet and then get patchy hands.

Fake tanning- I lay my towel down on the carpet as it gets very messy, i still get fake tan splodges all over my carpet though, oopppss! Then i start from my feet and work my way upwards, doing small sections and going in circular motions and i blend it in completely to avoid any streaking or patchiness. When your doing your feet make sure your blending it completely over your toes otherwise your going to get those horrible lines and it will look weird! Pay more attention to your elbows, ankles and knees and make sure its 100% blended and applied evenly because they're the places that are drier than the rest of your body so the fake tan is going to cling to them more. When i've finished applying it, i just stand there for about 10 minutes to air dry and then i'll just put my dressing gown on and get on with anything else i want to do, being careful to not touch anything or wash my hands or anything.

The next morning- When i've woken up, i usually have brown bed sheet and patches all over my body, but it's ok, it's just the guide colour! I'll then jump into the bath and let the guide colour soak off and i scrub everywhere that's gone a bit browner than the rest of me, like my elbows, toes and knuckles. When i've got out of the bath i rinse off with the shower just to be sure every bit of the guide colour is off. Then your left with this lovely colour

This Fake Tan is extremely drying so i make sure i moisturise every chance i can, otherwise my legs end up going a bit scaly from how dry they are!
After about 5/6ish days I do still look relatively tanned apart from the horrible patches i get behind my knees :( So thats when i start to scrub it all off

Overall i do completely recommend this Fake Tan, the colour is gorgeous and you definitely get what you pay for.
St Moriz Tanning Mousse is available to purchase at Amazon. I've also heard that they do it in Tesco and they do normally have it on Missguided as well.

Have you tried any of the St Moriz products?

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Wednesday 10 April 2013

Chloe's Birthday Meal- Garfunkels

Last night me and some friends went for a meal to celebrate Chloe's 16th to Garfunkels in Oxford Circus and let me just say... it was one of the nicest meals i have ever had in my life!

Isn't Liberty so pretty?

The nicest Cheesy Garlic Bread in the world!

For my Main i had a BBQ Chicken pizza... they went way overboard on the BBQ sauce but nevertheless it was delicious

Mitch's Cheesecake

My Fudge Brownie Sunde

Han what are you doing??

I really wish someone had told me that i needed to powder my skin, gosh darn it

Aww bestfriend love

Outfit Deets
Jacket- Topshop (similar here)
Scarf- Topshop
Scarf- River Island
Top- Topshop
Chelsea Boots- Topshop
Bag- Zara
....... Is it obvious i love Topshop?

daisy x
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Friday 5 April 2013

Missguided Wishlist

This are the things i've got my eye on from missguided at the moment. Missguided always has the cutest items and it's right up my street! They're items are a really decent price and the quality is always really really good!
As you can tell by this post and my last, I'm so ready for Spring and Summer, i can't wait to have days at Hyde Park in a cute floral dress and sunglases and go shopping in London whilst catching some rays at the same time!

Black Maxi Dress
Mint Skater Dress
Print Top

Are you ready for Spring and Summer?!
daisy x

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SS13 Outfit Ideas

1. I think this outfit would be perfect for either a girly day with your friends, shopping or whatever, or it would also be so cute for a date that involves you being outside. Theres a pop of orange in there and i think orange and navy look so pretty together.

Joni Jeans(the link is to the petite ones as they didn't have the regular ones in stock at the time)

2. This would also be great for a casual day, shopping, going to the cinema etc. Being comfortable doesn't necessarily mean having to wear sweatpants, this is a really cute idea for comfort and style.

Socks- Topshop
Necklace- Missguided

3. This is probably one of the more dressier outfits, but i still think it's casual and i'd wear this going to London to do some shopping, or going out for lunch or dinner. Theres a pop of pink through the outift whereas everything else is relatively kept black and silver for the jewellery (apart from the colour in the skirt of course). This is definitely my favourite outfit and i need that skirt and those sandals!


4. How AMAZING are those shorts *drools* i've been eyeing them up for a long time but they're quite pricey and i think they are from America so theres obviously added shipping :( But this outfit would be perfect for a casual day out and i think spot on for a festival. I also think the outfit could be dresses up with some black heels, a black clutch and a bowler hat or something.


Have you guys got any outift ideas yet for Spring and Summer? Or would you wear any of my outfit ideas?

daisy x
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