Sunday 12 May 2013

MAC Rebel Lipstick

Rebel is a Lipstick i have been swooning over for a really long time and the other day i was lucky enough to have been given this to me as a late birthday present from one of my bezzies (thanks chatch, you da best) and as you can imagine as soon as i got home i was swatching away and snapping pictures to blog about it. I feel like Rebel is a colour that you can wear all year round, it's the perfect Winter/Autumn colour because it's a dark colour, almost like a bright Current sort of colour, but it's also great for Summer. Because of it's blue undertones, i think it's bright enough to wear during the warmer months. I wore this the other day, lightly over my lips for a more laid back look, and it just gave a gorgeous Currenty, Purpley tint to my lips.

What Mac lipstick do you guys think I should add to my collection next? I'm thinking Candy Yum Yum?

Daisy x
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  1. gorgeous color! :*

  2. this colour is very beautiful!
    I should dare to bring some colour to my lips...
